;;Adds a new option to Gateway of Tally [#Menu : Gateway of Tally] Add : Item : Before : @@locQuit : Walk Collection - Example3 : Call : MyWalkCollectionExample3 ;;This is a new Collection definition which is based on Tally Internal Object named VOUCHER. ;;It is filtered using the CHILDOF attribute. In other words, only those Vouchers which contain ;;the specifed Ledger are available in the collection. [Collection : MyVouchers] Type : Vouchers : Ledger ChildOf : ##MyLedger Fetch : *, LedgerEntries.* ;;Function to display the Voucher details for a specified ledger [Function : MyWalkCollectionExample3] Variable : MyLedger : String 00 : SET FILE LOG ON 01 : LOG : "***************************" ;; ********** TO DO - CHANGE THE LEDGER NAME HERE ****** ;;****************************************************** ;; Assign value to the variable MyLedger 02 : SET : MyLedger : "ABC Softwares" ;; Loop through the Voucher table and display the vouchers 05 : WALK COLLECTION : MyVouchers 10 : LOG : $$String:$Date + "," + $VoucherTypeName + "," + $VoucherNumber ;; Loop through the ledgers and display the Ledger-name and amount 15 : WALK COLLECTION : LedgerEntries 20 : LOG : "=>" + $LedgerName + "," + $$String:$Amount 25 : END WALK 30 : END WALK 90 : SET FILE LOG OFF 100 : Exec Command : Notepad : "TDLFunc.Log"
A blog on customizing Tally Accounting Software by Shweta Softwares
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Walk Collection - Example 3
Here's a sample TDL program to get the Voucher details for a specific Ledger using the WALK COLLECTION statement
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